Heart to Heart Ministry
An Extra Tablespoon of Love!
Sister Ave Clark, O.P.MA.MS.MPS.
Certified Pastoral Counselor
Sisters of St. Dominic, Amityville, NY
Amityville Dominican Sisters
Mission Statement
We Dominican women religious, called to be signs of joy and hope, commit ourselves to incarnating the Gospel, deepening our life of prayer, searching for Truth, discerning the needs of the Church and ministering to the people of God.
Heart to Heart Ministry is a reflection of this mission statement by inviting people to participate in spiritual programs …heart to heart.
Behold my children, the heritage I leave you… have Charity one for another, guard Humility… make your treasure out of Voluntary Poverty…..
– St. Dominic
Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.
– St. Catherine of Siena
Papal Prayer Intentions for March 2025
For families in crisis
Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.
Call to Action

February 2025
February…is the month of the heart.
Many Valentine cards have hearts all over them
Stamps even have hearts.
Let each one of us especially during this month
be a heart of…
…extra kindness
…genuine forgiveness
…wonderful compassion
…sharing joy in simple ways
Let us open our hearts with….
…acceptance of differences as blessings
…courage to do and live with moral integrity
…selfless giving
Let us embrace the Sacred Heart of Jesus’ ways
in prayerful gestures that ….
…uplift one another
…are welcoming
…bear with each other’s difficulties in life-giving ways
…center our lives in the spiritual and corporal works of mercy
Share your heart this February in….
…humble and holy ways
…courageous and hope-filled ways
…unconditional and respectful ways.
Oh Lord…give me a heart of
your goodness…so I may go out into
the world and plant good deeds everywhere
with everyone…. to
. Amen.
Pray for Peace in every human heart.
Latest Entries
Sunshine Chat – A Parable
Sunshine Chat – Let’s Get Brighter, Continued
A Heart of Compassion with Diane Foley
Sister Ave Clark and Diane Foley, Author of American Mother, held a week before Thanksgiving retreat at American Martyrs Parish on November 23, 2024.
After 61 Years as a Nun, Sister Ave Clark Still Serves as a Vehicle of Joy and Grace to Others
Tony Rossi interviews Sister Ave for the Light One Candle, the blog of The Christophers in November 2024. Listen to the interview on the Christophers’ website....
Sunshine Chat: Brighter
Sunshine Chat: Parable from Joy is Blooming

Artists Hearts
Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them.
-Romans 12:6

Sunshine’s Faith Corner
Let everything that has breath give praise to the Lord! Hallelujah.
-Psalm 150:6

Pictures & Videos
We love because he first loved us.
-1 John 4:19