718-428-2471 Pearlbud7@aol.com

March…just the word itself
tells us something…an action
March…go forward into a new month and a new season
See the little buds pushing through the soil and
announcing new life.

Everyday we can march…in our own way into life
with a holy purpose announcing that Jesus’ love
is here …in each person’s heart and spirit.
We do this by being…
…respectful of each person’s dignity
…trusting in God’s call in our life
…responding to needs with compassion
…sharing our spirit

March…the breezes come and in
ordinary ways we spread the spirit of joy and hope
More sunlight also arrives showing us new paths to take
and new ways to serve the Lord with one another.

March to me is like the month of “resurrection”.
It reminds us to see and feel the sunlight of
our creator’s love in all our words, deeds and actions.
It is a month of blessings….be one of those blessings today.