Counseling Services
Call 718-428-2471 or Email Sister Ave

Rachel Prayer Hour
For Women who have post abortion syndrome.

Elizabeth Ministry
For parents who have lost a child due to miscarriage.

Caring Hearts
For people with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Samaritan Hearts
For victims/family of tragic crime and tragic accidents.

Survivors of Suicide seeking solace and understanding.

Pastoral Prayerline & Email
Call and pray with me.

For survivors of abuse, violence and domestic violence.

For family with children and adults with a disability.

For adult children of Alcoholics.

Lights in the Darkness
For persons experiencing depression.

Bereavement Sessions
For individuals.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
f you are interested in receiving a prayer shawl to give to someone in need of special comfort.

Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Direction.