718-428-2471 Pearlbud7@aol.com
December 2023

December 2023

During the month of December we celebrate the Advent days that bring us on a “pilgrimage of light” to Christmas Day. Four weeks of Advent time bring Lights that are filled with…
…Good News
…Life-Giving Scripture
…Transforming Messages
…Inspiring Witnesses
…Challenging Actions
…Heart-Peace Connections
…Inspiring Prayers

The Advent~~Christmas season is a holy time to be “transformed” as we dare to become more reflective of the light of God’s love in our ordinary and daily encounters especially those that challenge us and call us forth to rebirth Jesus love…just where we are.

O how will you and I be a Christ-Bearer of the holy lights of Advent~~ Christmas time?

November 2023

November 2023

November is a month of gratitude.
Time to being “thankful” for…
…faith shared
…understanding given
…forgiveness celebrated
…peace extended every day

November is a month of giving… 🍂

November is a month to offer a prayer for… 🍁
…those in need
…what we have to share
…being a presence of Jesus’ love
…sacrificing for the common good

Blessings for Giving-Thanks. 🕊️

October 2023

October 2023

Change of Colors
and Autumn arrives
Breezes of God’s love
inviting us to…
…see life anew
…be filled with a renewed spirit
…be open to creative ways of being hope-filled
A new season with a harvest of bright colors
reminding us to…
…share compassion more
…be understanding of differences
…connect with all of creation
October has pumpkins
that make us smile
An opportunity to share…
…lots of joy
…extend welcome with mercy and justice
…center one’s life in God’s way
Oh Autumn~~
Such a delight to be …
…a blessing of Jesus’ love
…a spark of the divine here on earth
…a grace to touch and become
part of Autumn’s message of
God is here… right now. Touch the spirit of Autumn
and you will become part of the message of Jesus’ love.

September 2023

September 2023

The leaves wave~~. 🍁
God’s love is in the breeze of life shared.
Calling each one of us forth
    Changing colors
     Showing us new ways
To serve
To be Jesus’ love
     Autumn gathers and
        showers us with new hopes
Let us embrace the season with…
Let us become a disciple 🍃
    with a mission shared with
    the spirit of a new season….
   Let each one of us become a vibrant
     color on the tree of life.   Amen.   🌳
August 2023

August 2023

Brightness of Being a Blessing

August is a month of sunlight.
This makes me think of the sun-light of the Beatitudes.
The Blessedness of the Beatitudes represent the heart of Jesus’ message.
During this month of August let’s be Beatitude People.

  • Blessed are the poor in spirit…let’s recognize our dependence on God
  • Blessed are those who mourn…let us be compassionate hearts with the “gift of tears” (Pope Francis)
  • Blessed are the meek…be gentle of heart and non-violent
  • Blessed are those who hunger and thirst…do God’s will with a just heart
  • Blessed are the merciful…mercy is full of forgiveness
  • Blessed are the pure of heart…express your faith in loving ways
  • Blessed are the peacemakers…is a call to be a peace-giver
  • Blessed are those who are persecuted…be a person who extends heart-peace

Let us strive during the last month of summer to be the brightness of Jesus’ Love by the way we speak to and about others.

May the sun-light of our actions be a wonderful, holy reflection of the “blessedness” of being. The sunshine of our faith lived with an open heart. Amen💓

July 2023

July 2023

July…the first full month of Summer warmth
Oh yes…fans and AC on but …
Let’s think of the warmth of Jesus’ love
It is a warmth of great…

It is a warmth that embraces all…

This warmth is not …
…over bearing

This warmth brings…
…unconditional love
…eternal hope
…spiritual companionship

So for July… breathe in this spiritual warmth
Then…become it in your life
No humidity of a hot summer breeze will
take away your joy of being
Jesus’ love for one another.

Breathe on me breath of God
Breathe on me anew.😊