Call to Action
July 2021
We are reminded early in July on July 4th to Celebrate the Spirit of America. Let’s celebrate with…
…better understanding
Let’s celebrate the month of July with caring for one another…
…by being extra kind
…accepting differences with respect
…being responsible stewards of the earth
Let’s celebrate with a prayer in our heart and spirit.
Take time on these warm July Summer days to reflect on the gifts of America…
As We The People …
…establish justice for all
…insure domestic tranquility
…provide for the common good
…promote general welfare
…secure the Blessings of Peace for ourselves and our posterity.
What a wonderful way to share our mission of being an American by being “a people”.
To be “a people” (Pope Francis) means our family of earth is united by human solidarity. This unity is born of “closeness” to God in our daily encounters.
What a blessing to be an American “people” …a variety of cultures, colors, beliefs and dreams.
We are “a people” given dignity by God.
Share this blessing especially especially during this July 2021
Become the Blessing of Love
accept one another…
as a brother, as a sister…
one heart united under God.
June 2021
A new season called Summer…
Time to enjoy…
…warmer weather
…being outside
…taking walks
…enjoying bright flowers
Time to enjoy…
…meditation and reflection time
…a retreat with the Lord
…extra prayers for peace and harmony
Time to enjoy…
…reaching out to someone in need
…caring for a neighbor
…callling someone to just say hello
A new season called Summer…..Be God’s sunshine in words, deeds and actions.
May 2021
May arrives…
The Month of Mary…
…think of her courage to say “yes”
…think of her faith
…think of her wonderful love
Be it done… according to God’s ways
May arrives…
The Month of Mary…
…mother of mercy… let us share it
…mother of counsel… let us give it and get it
…mother of charity and peace… let us become it
May arrives…
The Month of Mary…
…do what Jesus says… that was her way
…listen quietly to God’s call… ponder as Mary did
…stand at the cross… live your faith with Mary
May arrives…
The Month of Mary…
…pray the rosary…
Hail Mary, full of grace…
April 2021
Signs of Spring
New Life… Wonderful Hope
Celebrate the gifts that God has given to you. Daily Miracles of goodness dusting our world.
Sing an Easter time song filled with surprising moments
…to re-energize your spirit
…to re-establish your connectedness to nature
…to re-new your faith with prayer in your heart
…to re-claim what you felt was lost
…to re-store a good balance of harmony in each day
…to re-veal by your actions Jesus love in the world
…to re-lease any negative thoughts
…to re-adjust life so it includes charity for all
In striving and that is all one has to do… strive to be your best.
Then get up everyday and
…be a Risen Vessel of God’s Love.
March 2021
…to all that holds you back from life-giving ways
…from holding back acceptance of all humanity
…to being a servant of God’s Love
…to the holy courage of speaking truth with dignity
…to living your faith by caring your cross
…from letting your fears control your life
…from thinking you cannot get up again
Surrender… with a prayer in your heart. May our fragile souls expand and be fortified as we see that Jesus has been there all along waiting in the surrender. In the surrender, hope is born of despair and faith arises renewed.
May this March that brings forth A Holy Week be a reminder of the joy-filled graces God shares for the journey.
February 2021
The Month of the Heart is a reminder to:
…open the door of your heart to what you hear
…listen with a compassionate heart to the Word of God
…feel the light of God’s presence in all you meet
…have a whole-hearted commitment to the truth
…embrace loss and adversity with mercy
…be a heart of kindness and forgiveness…even when difficult
…be a witness of love shared with those in need
…be faithful in little ways …they count
…tell someone you love them
…hold the cross gently
…be valiant
…and …Be prayerful.
Happy Valentine❤️