Call to Action
January 2023
Calendar. 2023
The first few days of a new year very often seem quiet
Holiday decorations are being taken down
Wreath and Christmas tress are left at the street curb to be picked up
Leftovers are almost gone
The memories of a passed year are tucked away
A new year beginning …
We hear some of the same news…
…war continues
…poverty is present
…injustices weigh people down
…people mourn
…divisions continue
What has changed?!
I truly believe the human heart…💖
…brings compassion
…cares deeply
…shares courage and hope
…gives comfort and consolation
…embraces all
Your heart and my heart can be a source
of Jesus’ presence in a shaky world
We will not be brought down or abandon
doing good by the violence of war and the
disregard of kindness and respect .💖
Each day you and I can choose to share our
hearts so that another human being feels loved,
cared about and uplifted .
Is this always easy…No
But it is the way of Peace.
Just think how you can begin each day of this new year …
Put your heart into every thought, word and deed. Amen. 💖
December 2022
December …is a month of sharing some Spiritual Lights
These “Holy Lights” are full of…
…acts of simple kindness
…gifts wrapped with Love
…singing of carols
…forgiving with all your heart
…listening with wonderful patience
…decorating with lights of Joy
…instilling Hope into our world
…kneeling in prayer at a manger
…trusting that we each can say a “Yes” that brings Peace
Christmas is a holy time to come to the sacred place of Bethlehem
where Jesus is born as we each share and live our faith courageously.
Come Lord, Jesus …be born in our heart every day.
May this Christmas season remind us that the angels sang…
Let there be Peace on Earth. 🌍
*(Reread the “ Holy Light” list above …take those humble thoughts
with you during this month of December and into the New Year.)
November 2022
A Month of Giving Thanks
Each day of November, think of someone or something you are thankful for.
How did that person or event influence your life for the better?
How were you…
Now remember there are every day ordinary people and events that will unassumingly share God’s Glory.
We should certainly count our ordinary blessings, and make each one count with goodness galore.
The invariable mark of deep wisdom is to see the miraculous in the very common.
To be grateful… to recognize God in everyone and everything.
October 2022
October Welcomes Autumn Time
Let’s get up every day saying: Good Morning, Good God
The Lord’s daily gifts are so many
The ones He invites us to share dwell within our humble spirits…
…kindness galore for everybody
…a wonderful listening heart of compassion
…respectful words to sow harmony
…being creative in living your prayer
Let our prayers be simple and life-giving
Try some Two-Word Heart Prayers:
Calm me
Still me
Settle me
Forgive me
Pardon me
Liberate me
Plant me
Root me deep
Enfold me
Embrace me
Trust me
Support me
Lift me up
Love me
Take care of me
Now…go out and do that for someone you meet today.
Just think of all our prayers being lived and how they decorate the tree of life with faithful leaves.
September 2022
September… A new season
Autumn time 🍁
Leaves of Faith
Colors of…
Breezes of…
…good will
Gathering of leaves…
…chanting hymns
…holding prayer beads
…folding hands
Leaves dancing on trees remind us of…
Let us celebrate this Autumn season appreciating the beautiful leaves
that remind us of the Grandeur of God all around us….and within each one of us. 🍁
August 2022
August Sunshine 😊
August…a Summer month with lots of sunshine
Perhaps one can learn to focus
on the warmth of God’s “unconditional love”
Lessons learned…
…to be kind-hearted
…more understanding that
differences can enrich us
…to listen with an open heart
…to forgive and not to hold a grudge
the warmth of “unconditional love”
can help us to develop a center of…
…peace and compassion
…charity and empathy
…goodness and joy
Let us during these hazy, hot days of August
be reminded of a deeper way of sharing
God’s creative sunshine through our…
…good deeds
…good friendships
…good holy prayers
…good kind words
and you will find in doing so~~
a sacred place and space full of sunshine
that is reflected in your heart and spirit
and shared with all those you encounter.