718-428-2471 Pearlbud7@aol.com

Call to Action

July 2023

July 2023

July…the first full month of Summer warmth
Oh yes…fans and AC on but …
Let’s think of the warmth of Jesus’ love
It is a warmth of great…

It is a warmth that embraces all…

This warmth is not …
…over bearing

This warmth brings…
…unconditional love
…eternal hope
…spiritual companionship

So for July… breathe in this spiritual warmth
Then…become it in your life
No humidity of a hot summer breeze will
take away your joy of being
Jesus’ love for one another.

Breathe on me breath of God
Breathe on me anew.😊

June 2023

June 2023

Bloom Where You are Planted

Plant your mind in good will thoughts
Plant your heart in loving ways
Plant your spirit in peace giving actions

Let the soil of your life be free from…

Sprinkle your garden of life each day with…
…a forgiveness that is genuine

May your life be seasoned with…
…family and friends
…neighbors and strangers
….God at the center

Put your life in the sunshine of June… and welcome Summer…
…giving service to those in need with respect
…being a sincere listener
…accepting yourself and others as a reflection
of the Creator’s love.

….and the greatest …is to love and to be love…

May 2023

May 2023

May. A Month of Graces

We begin the month with the Feast Day
of St. Joseph…a humble and trusting soul
given the blessing of being Jesus’ earthly father,
We too are given the grace to follow Jesus.
What an example St. Joseph gives to us…
…to trust daily in God’s ways
…to live life in sincere and caring ways
…to share our goodness in humble and kind ways
As May continues as the Month of Mary…
We realize how this holy family cherished their faith
and the journey it had in their life.
We too can cherish how Mary lived her Magnificat
of magnifying God in her life.
Let us too magnify the Lord…
…where friendships understand better
…where distractions need not destroy our peace
…where humble “servant hood” is seen as a positive way
of sharing God’s love
…where “stewardship” is responsible and life-giving for all
…where trust is shared in daily ventures

May our prayer time this month of May be one that
reflects the simplicity, trust and love of Mother Mary and St.Joseph. Amen.

April 2023

April 2023

An April saying is: April Showers bring May Flowers
When we think of showers we think of rain drops.
The word showers is also used when we speak of…
…wedding showers~~showers of celebration
…showers of joy, glee~~ all that evokes happiness
…showers of tears~~representing sadness

What would we like to shower upon the world?
…good will

Showers help the earth to bloom.
Hmmm…think of how you and I bloom!
…when the Lord so graciously and unconditionally
showers the world with his goodness, kindness and forgiveness.

How can each one of us shower the world with our own goodness and kind deeds?
Just imagine… Everyone clapping in the world for grace-filled showers!

Is it possible?
Jesus says….be my disciple. And we all get to say Yes?
That is some loving “shower”!
Remember…bloom where you are planted. 🌹

March 2023

March 2023

March brings many wonderful moments
Lent in full bloom… with sacred prayer moments
Spring time arrives… with a change of season
Daylight Savings Time… brings more sunlight to each day
St. Patrick’s Day… a parade of joy
And… a journey to the Easter Season

March is a month of many moments.
Each a treasure of life from God.
We might just say that every day
has God-moments.
These are moments when God’s presence,
plan and love are revealed.
And usually …even the ordinary of life
has moments to treasure.
We call them gifts, blessings and graces galore.
Everything in life is of God…
…a neighbor waving
…a friend sends a card
…someone brings in your garbage cans
…the sunset shining on a bud on your driveway
…prayers offered to comfort or give thanks

Add some of your own moments to this list.
“All things were made by him, and nothing was made without him.” – John 1:3

February 2023

February 2023

February is the month of the heart. Midway through the month we celebrate Valentine’s Day. This is a reminder to be a sign of Jesus’ love in our daily lives.

How can we do this? Here are a few holy “heart” thoughts. 💕
…serve others kindness
…be gracious in caring
…respond to others with dignity and respect
…bless each other with charity
…trust in God’s love more
…be a light of love
…appreciate God’s loving graces
…love in simple ways
…love is in peace-giving
…have an open heart

We get to choose..
…to be love every day
…to sacrifice for others’ well-being
…to forgive deeply
…to accept better
…to inspire by hidden deeds
…to welcome a stranger
…to share compassion
…to be a trusting heart
…to be generous of spirit
…to be a heart beat of faith-lived

Let us share this gift of February …all 28 days.
With much love shared and hands folded with a prayer heart that says “Thank you Jesus”. Amen.