718-428-2471 Pearlbud7@aol.com
April 2024

April 2024

April Showers….

We think of rain giving the soil new life with…
…flowers blooming
…gardens growing vegetables
…grass getting greener
April showers us with…
…graces galore
…sprinkles of goodness shared
…new life with reconciliation
…spirits transformed
Think of showers as moments of…
…sharing goodness
…bestowing mercy
…seeking justice
…giving deep respect for all

Every day in April take time to shower
Jesus’ love wherever you are .
Shower with…
…simplify of spirit
Hmmmm….a shower of rain can remind us to be
a source of spiritual growth for ourselves….and others. Amen.

March 2024

March 2024

Shamrocks remind me of hope twirling into life.☘️
Hope is a courageous virtue to nurture, live and share
It gives meaning, purpose and sustenance to our journey
here on earth.
Tending to hope is a way of extending Jesus’ love
here on earth.
The spiritual and corporal works of mercy show us
the path of Hope made visible in ordinary and
sometimes extraordinary ways .
I hope each one of us is a sign of
joy and hope wherever we are
Hope is that little flame that is filled with
the spark of divine love.
Imagine being Hope incarnate today….
…feed those who hunger for friendship
…give hope to those thirsting for justice
…comfort those who mourn for peace
May each one of us twirl into life today
with wonderful hope.☘️