718-428-2471 Pearlbud7@aol.com
January 2025

January 2025

2025 is a Jubilee Year of Hope
Let us shine out hope in…
…good deeds
…compassionate caring
…courageous moral courage
…prayerful charity
Let us share hope with…
…faithfulness of spirit
Every day define yourself by being hopeful with…
…extra kindness
…respect and dignity

Let hope begin in one human heart~~
And may many hearts be hopeful. Amen.

December 2024

December 2024

A Humble Tree for December

One little light atop the tree
Shines deeply into a world
where differences need not divide us,
but rather gift us with a
more loving heart.
That one little light reminds us to…
…extend peace to one another
…share a kind word
…give sincere comfort to those who are bereaved
…give genuine respect to persons struggling
…be a witness of faith lived well
…have a prayerful heart
…listen with an open heart
…accept one another with charity

Like a humble little star, let us set out each day to journey with a light of hope, love, joy and peace during these Advent December days so that we can arrive on Christmas day and season with a radiance within that shines goodness out into the world.