718-428-2471 Pearlbud7@aol.com
December 2024

December 2024

A Humble Tree for December

One little light atop the tree
Shines deeply into a world
where differences need not divide us,
but rather gift us with a
more loving heart.
That one little light reminds us to…
…extend peace to one another
…share a kind word
…give sincere comfort to those who are bereaved
…give genuine respect to persons struggling
…be a witness of faith lived well
…have a prayerful heart
…listen with an open heart
…accept one another with charity

Like a humble little star, let us set out each day to journey with a light of hope, love, joy and peace during these Advent December days so that we can arrive on Christmas day and season with a radiance within that shines goodness out into the world.

November 2024

November 2024

November …the month of “gratitude”.   
What are you grateful for…
…faith lived-well

November like the leaves changing colors 
teaches us to accept and let go,
so we see the promise of every new moment.

Perhaps November with its’ crisp breeze and deeply
felt spirit of hope and renewal gives us that deep
holy reminder that we are meant to be the
sacred word of gratitude for one another .

Who are you grateful for…and why?
What wonderful act or deed will you share today that someone
will feel deeply grateful for?

Let us give wondrous holy meaning to life’s journey~~~
Be grateful for…
…sunshine and joy
…breezes of comfort
…moments of giving-thanks
…prayers of compassion

Happy Month…of being ever so “grateful”.