May 22, 2021 | Thoughts for Meditation
What does a smile tell you?
…celebrating a moment of awe
Well, St.Joseph had smiles for:
…Jesus first step
…Jesus use of a carpentry tool
…Jesus helping around the house
…Jesus asking him for help
Imagine his smile, perhaps his smile is a…
…graced smile
…prayerful smile
…hope-filled smile
And above all…a loving smile.
Bet you are smiling reading this…describe your smile
Like St. Joseph…have a holy smile.
May 18, 2021 | Thoughts for Meditation
In Scripture it says …more of how he was rather than what he says
Perhaps that is his gift to us…
…let our deeds match the Gospel message
…being the word takes courage
…listening to God’s way
Perhaps. St Joseph can be our guide to embracing the Gospel message…
…with humility
…with trust
…with an open heart
St.Joseph …show us the way of living the Gospel
…and most of all with the love of Jesus.
Love one another……Amen
May 8, 2021 | Thoughts for Meditation
Imagine we can do this to…
Hold Christ’s love
Drawing close to Jesus’ way
…the way of compassion
…the way of tenderness
…the way of hope
…the way of contentment
…the way of comfort
…the way of truth
Hold Christ’s love today…with the spirit of St. Joseph
Let us pray
Oh St. Joseph guardian…
…of humility
…of prudence
…of patience
…of justice
Show us how to hold Jesus’ way by ..
…our deeds
…our trusting hearts
…our forgiving ways
…our humility
Let us together in our shared humanity…hold Christ’s love. Amen.